Surprise is everywhere, hiding in the ordinary. Welcome to this group of people thinking about grace, life lessons, loss and joy. I write about solace and connection in a world of grief and stress. We’re all looking for grace and delight. Plus, desserts!

I’m a mom, partner, pastor (First Congregational Church, Kalamazoo, MI) and avid reader and traveler. Any destination is great, really: my children mock me for taking trips to random small towns. I’ve been a hospice chaplain in two different seasons, and had church heartbreak along the way. Personal sorrow is my greatest life teacher, darn it. My favorite dessert is any kind of fruit pie, with cookies as a close second. I can resist almost all candy.

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…you’ll get a few posts a month on the lessons we all learn, surviving grief, and finding refuge. Your comments are always welcome. It means a lot to me to have you here. I would be honored to have you invite friends to be here, too!

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Finding the surprise and the light in the ordinary. Here for grace, refuge and laughter in a stressful world. Plus, desserts!


Writing about joy, grief and lessons I’m learning. Finding the shimmering layer of surprise in everyday life. Looking for the absurd. Mom. Partner. Reader. Dessert enthusiast.