Thanks for sharing this Mary! I’m reminded of the quote “Don’t go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”. My own journey has led me to deepen my faith in my own journey and to follow my soul, especially because there is no rule book on how to do that! It’s scary, but authentic, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

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So wise! Thanks!

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You are so welcome Mary! Thank you for taking the time to write and share with the world. It doesn’t go unnoticed 💕🙏🏽

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I saw on someone else’s platform you mentioned being interested in having someone read your work 200 words. I’m on a writing journey as well and love helping others in anyway i can. If i can be of service in reading please let me know I’ll gladly give feedback! Blessings

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So kind! Thank you!

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For me, it’s the path I’ve found and lost over and over again. The writer’s path. I lose sight of it whenever other responsibilities intrude. I’ve found it again, but for how long?

Thanks as always for sharing your insights, Mary.

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Ah, yes. It’s hard to carve out time for creative pursuits, when there’s so much else happening.

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"Other people give me so much grace, and that inspires me to extend the same freedom."

I was today years old, Mary. Thank you.

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Thank you! Take care!

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I think walking a designated path or the absolute nonpath, bushwacking, can both be rich journeys. Without the supports of a designated path we are encourage to go deeper toward what we depend. We are not always ready for these changes we choose or which choose us. Living in a community with friends interested in our sincere growth and deepening as a human being is key.

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Yes! Truth!

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Here is one: "Something is wrong with me if I don't have something fun and social planned for a Saturday night." Nope, I may do something really fun Saturday morning and that is enough for the day.

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Yes. I used to be embarrassed if I was home on a weekend night…and now I’m with you. One fun thing per day is great.

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I love this! I especially love the rules you crossed out. You have gotten me thinking about the "rules" in my life and whether I still need to be tethered to them.

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Let me know what you keep and what you shed. ❤️

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